Inspire Equip Empower
Name: We are the Ulmer Family - we are Passionations ("Passion" + "Nations")!
Vision: Our vision is to see Next Generation Leaders thriving in their gifting's as they pursue their God given potential!
Mission: With a passion to serve all people, we exist to Inspire, Equip and Empower Next Generation Leaders through education!
What We Do:
We TEACH leaders of all ages!
We CREATE inspirational content inspiring awe and thought!
We GO Outside of our comfort zones!
Right Now:
We are creating digital media (i.e. Commercial Short Films, Videos, Photos, Illustrations) to empower leaders! (See our business
Ps. #GROWBook is a simple goal setting book we have created for kids, email us if you would like a copy!
Prepare for #Awesomeness
“Then let us all do what is right, strive with all our might toward the unattainable, develop as fully as we can the gifts God has given us, and never stop learning.” ~ Ludwig van Beethoven